80cm Square Tray

1.2 Meter Square Tray

80cm Square Tray has a depth of 12 cm and a massive internal capacity of 76.8 Litres. The tray features a series of shallow horizontal ridges on the internal base of the tray which aid drainage from plant pots.

Equally useful as a commercial drip / spillage tray for oils and chemical storage. There are many potential other applications such as a sand pit for kids, a plant irrigation display tray for garden centres and a mixing tray for cement to name but a few. Trays of this size and strength are very hard to find.

Garland trays are popular when used by private and commercial gardeners alike, as a large irrigation table for keeping a multitude of potted plants watered. Garland trays can be filled with growing medium or capillary matting if preferred. A series of shallow horizontal ridges feature on the internal base of the tray which can aid drainage.

Made from recycled polypropylene.

Size: 80cm Long, 80cm Wide, 12cm  High External



Vermiculite is a mined material. In its natural state it resembles mica rock, but when quickly heated, it expands due to the generation of interlaminar steam.
Vermiculite is most frequently used in conjunction with perlite as the two complement each other well.

  • 80%    porosity  
  • 10%    air space
  • 60%    moisture

Please note: Our Vermiculite is Medium – grade ( size ) Vermiculite


Vermiculite is a popular hydroponic media favoured for its affordability.

It is made from a natural mineral that expands with the application of heat. The expansion process is called exfoliation which takes place in purpose built commercial furnaces.

Vermiculite is very lightweight and sterile.

It has excellent water retention and capillary action properties, which allows it to be fully hydrated simply by applying moisture from above or below.

When used in hydroponics, vermiculite is often mixed with perlite if the media becomes too water logged. This improves aeration and drainage.

In hotter climates vermiculite is often used by itself because of its higher water holding capacity. Vermiculite also tends to break down after a perod of time so is favoured for more short term crops such as lettuce.

Growers who use vermiculite usually have a system in place where they manually fill NFT growpots or cell trays with the media. A seed is then inserted into the top of the media and the pots and trays are placed into a propagation system like an Ebb and Flow table where they remain until the seedlings have emerged and are at a resonable size for transplanting into the main growing system.

The root system of the seedling holds the media together so individual root bound ‘plugs’ can be removed from the propagating cell trays and placed directly into the plant holes of an NFT gully if required.

If  NFT growpots are used, the media filled growpot is placed into the plant hole in the gully and the pot acts as additional support for the plant. The growpot also prevents light entering the gully which can promote algal growth


The Phonescope uses your smartphone’s camera to allow you to see the little things around you – like Russet Mites and trichomes.

Attach this phone scope directly to your mobile or tablet, aligning the microscope lens with your device’s camera lens. PLEASE NOTE: The middle of your lens must be 23 mm or less from the edge of the device for the Phonescope’s macro lens to fit right over the middle of your device lens.

The LED light build into the Phonescope will light up automatically when clamped onto a smartphone or tablet. This will shed light on anything brought up to the Phonescope lens.

TIP: The Phonescope is best used if your sample is placed on a flat surface ( like a table ), where you can lay the smartphone down on the sample and the flat surface. This will stabilize the phone and get rid of a shaky display on your screen.

Once you’ve set up your sample and phone, use your camera’s digital zoom feature to reveal your sample at up to 30 x magnification. (*Results will vary between different devices and applications used). Ever so slightly raise and lower your phone’s height above the sample to focus on different depths of your sample.

TIP: You can download “Magnifier” apps for all smartphones and use these with your Phonescope instead of your default camera app to get even better results !

Actual photo using Phonescope:

Phonescope Real Photo

* Product color may vary depending on availability

Margaret Roberts Organic Supercharger

Margaret Roberts Organic Supercharger

Margaret Roberts Organic Supercharger is a water-soluble organic liquid plant food concentrate. Contains all the macro as well as micronutrients plus a growth stimulant.

It contains all the essential nutrients to obtain optimum growth of houseplants, acid loving and all flowering plants, vegetables, herbs, seedlings, groundcovers, fruit bearing plants and lawns.

Nutrient content:

80.0 g/kg N
20.0 g/kg P
60.0 g/kg K

Growth Stimulant: 0.003g/kg Gibberelic Acid

Plus trace elements :

7.0 g/kg Mg
6.0 g/kg Ca
4.0 g/kg S
6.0 g/kg Fe
0.1 g/kg Cu
1.0 g/kg Zn
4.0 g/kg Mn
0.23 g/kg B
0.15 g/kg Mo

Direction for Use:

Shake well before use.

Application rate: Dilute 10ml of Margaret Roberts Organic Supercharger with 3L of water. Can be applied with a fine rose water can or pressure garden sprayer.

General (for all Plants): Apply diluted mixture to soil surface to drench. Wet soil and plants thoroughly. Repeat every two to four weeks for optimum results.

Seed: Before sowing seeds, soak the seed overnight in diluted mixture of Organic Supercharger to boost germination.

Lawns, Growncovers and Seedlings: Drench planted area with 5L of diluted mixture per 10m2. Repeat every two to 4 weeks.

Environmental hazard: Harmless to fish, birds, wild life, earthworms, micro-organisms, pets and humans. No harmful toxic residues. No secondary poisoning.


Neoseiulus Californicus Bottle of 5000

Neoseiulus Californicus Bottle of 5000

Neoseiulus Californicus Bottle of 5000 is a predatory mite supplied by BioBee South Africa, who are actively providing IPM solutions which reduce the use of pesticides for both conventional and bio-organic agriculture in the country.

Before releasing by hand, the bottle should be gently rotated to mix evenly, the mites and the vermiculite. The mites are released by gently tapping the opened bottle over the plants while walking between the rows of the crops.
The amount to be released is determined by the type of crop, field conditions, level of infestation and damage present in the crops.

Before combining BioPersimilis with any chemical pesticide in the crop, please consult your BioBee technical field representative.

  • Two spotted spider mite (Tetranychus Urticae)
  • Fruit spider mite (Panonychus Ulmi)
  • Citrus red mite (Panonynchus Citri)
  • Begonia mite (Tarsonemus Pallidus)
  • Broad mite (Polyphagotarsonemus Latus)

Full dispersion and noticeable effects may take between 2 and 3 weeks, depending on each unique situation.

Neoseiulus Californicus should be shipped and stored at temperatures ranging from around 6 – 16 °C and the sachets should be viable for up to 3 weeks after the production date printed on each sachet.


Due to the sensitive nature of this living product, Hydroponic.co.za can not be held liable for the state in which the product is received after being shipped.

We will be (“overnight”) shipping this product (using polystyrene containers which will include cooling packs) separately from any other items purchased and additional charges will apply FOR AREAS OUTSIDE OF CAPE TOWN. “Overnight” service can take up to 3 days to be delivered, especially for REGIONAL TOWNS.


Mite Description:

Neoseiulus californicus are translucent and range in color from pale orange to peach. The nymphs resemble the adults except that they are smaller and cannot reproduce. Their eggs are oblong, transparent and white to dirty-white in color. Adult predatory mites, nymphs and larvae actively search for their prey and suck them empty. All stages of Neoseiulus californicus prefer to eat younger stages of host mites and adult females can consume fifteen to twenty spider mite eggs per day. Neoseiulus californicus can also feed and survive on Thrips and can survive for up to 3 – 4 weeks without food and therefore very good for prophylactic treatments and maintaining low populations of Red Mite and Red spider mite. Neoseiulus californicus tolerates high temperatures and low humidity levels.

Please note… not recommended for use on Tomatoes, as the trichomes of a Tomato plant give of a substance that is irritating to these mites.



Black Autopot Inline Water Filter 12mm

Black Autopot Inline Water Filter 12mm

The Black Autopot Inline Water Filter 12mm will filter out small bits of debris that are present in a water tank or nutrient reservoir. This will help prevent piping and Aquavalve blockages from happening. This is very handy when using water sources that may contain particulates, for example rainwater. in your feeding or watering systems. Rainwater harvested from rooftops often has grit, leaves, twigs and other bio-matter in it and these will eventually get stuck inside small diameter piping or Aquavalves, leading to improper functioning of the system.

Contrary to clear plastic inline water filters this black plastic filter will block out all sunlight from penetrating into the water / nutrient solution. Any clear piping or fitting used in the supply lines of water and especially nutrient solutions will cause algae growth to form inside these clear areas, which may spread to other parts of the system.

The filter has barbed connections on each side, with the shaft outer diameter being about 12.5cm. TIP: If you are connecting piping to the filter, stick the end of the piping into a bit of boiled water to soften up the pipe. This will allow for much easier fitment.

The Autopot inline filter has mesh size small enough to catch particles that may cause problems in an Autopot system, but will still let through very small particles, bordering on silt / sludge. We advise consulting an irrigation supply store with regards to getting rid of extremely small or fine types of particulates.

Filter mesh size of the Autopot Inline Water Filter can be seen in the picture below:

Black Autopot Inline Water Filter 12mm Inside Mesh

30mm Microgreen Tray Mesh Bottom

30mm Microgreen Tray Mesh Bottom

The 30mm Microgreen Tray Mesh Bottom is 275mm wide and 535mm long. The mesh bottom makes this tray suitable for multiple uses.

With its low 30mm height, it can be filled to the brim using only about 4.5 liters of growing medium.

Coco coir based substrates/growing mediums are a very popular choice for growing microgreens at home, as it is a soft and airy medium with great moisture retention. Because the microgreen growing cycle is so short, with the seedling relying mostly on nutrients stored inside the seed itself, adding any supplements or additional nutrients to your substrate is not a necessity at all, although a lot of people do add a little bit of worm castings to their mixes, claiming better results.

Once you have added your substrate into the 30mm Microgreen Tray With Holes, water or mist spray lightly if the substrate is on the dry side and tamp the substrate down very lightly by hand, to get it to settle and flatten out nicely. Then gently sprinkle your seeds across the surface. Once this is done, a VERY thin layer of additional substrate may be sprinkled over the top of the seeds (using a baking sieve, for example)

Place the trays into a suitable environment for germination and mist or spray the top of the substrate regularly to prevent it from drying out. (A propagation dome will help keep substrate moist until your seeds have germinated, saving you a lot of effort. Remove the ). Do not overspray, as this will cause overly wet “swampy” subsurface conditions! Just keep the substrate slightly moist at all times.

Once your seeds have sprouted and grown to a harvestable size, you are able to clip off the delicious micro-leaves for your dishes and salads with a pair of pruning scissors.

30mm Microgreen Tray Mesh Bottom trays can also be used for other home and hobby purposes, like sifting out Mealworm Beetles if you are breeding them, or to sift grains, seeds, Perlite, etc.


* Lighter for scale only



EHG Cal Mag PLUS – supplementing the base EHG mineral plant nutrient feeding ranges, EHG Cal Mag PLUS is there for you whenever signs of Calcium or Magnesium deficiencies start showing up in your plants.

Check out EHG’s advanced grow-guide HERE!

2ml / lt dosage as root feed.

Can also be used to buffer coco coir: Hydroponic.co.za recommends 200ml / 5kg brick, soaked for at least a few hours, and then rinsed with clean water.


N: 4%

Ca: 3.2%

Mg: 1.2%

Fe: o.1%

Buffering coir:

When coco coir is buffered, for instance using EHG Cal Mag PLUS, it undergoes a process that replaces the potassium and sodium that is held onto by the coir, with calcium and magnesium that is added to the coir during the buffering process. Doing this before using the coir, makes this process happen BEFORE plants is introduced, instead of the process happening with plants growing in the coir already.

Nobody wants their coir to “steal” the Ca and Mg in their nutrient solutions when feeding their plants and for these minerals to be replaced with Sodium and Potassium instead, but this is what will happen when using improperly buffered and rinsed coir.

Buffering ( and then rinsing ) coir is a proactive measure to create an optimal growing environment that supports healthy root development, robust vegetative growth, and bountiful yields for a wide range of plant species.

Other reasons for improper uptake of Ca and Mg:

  1. Imbalanced pH Levels: One of the primary causes of nutrient lockout is incorrect pH levels in the growing medium. When the pH is too high or too low, it can hinder the availability of calcium and magnesium for plant uptake. For example, in acidic conditions, calcium and magnesium ions may become bound to other elements, making them unavailable to plant roots.
  2. Excessive Nutrient Levels: High concentrations of other nutrients, such as potassium (K) or ammonium (NH4+), can outcompete calcium and magnesium for uptake by plant roots. This can lead to an imbalance in nutrient absorption, causing calcium and magnesium deficiencies.
  3. Presence of Other Cations: Certain elements in the soil or growing medium, such as aluminum (Al) or iron (Fe), can form complexes with calcium and magnesium ions, rendering them unavailable to plants.
  4. Overfertilization: Applying excessive amounts of fertilizers that contain certain elements, especially those high in phosphorus (P), can disrupt the balance of nutrient uptake and result in calcium and magnesium lockout.
  5. Water Quality: Poor-quality irrigation water with high levels of bicarbonates or carbonates can cause calcium and magnesium to precipitate and become less available for plant uptake.
  6. Competition between Nutrients: In some cases, different nutrients might have antagonistic relationships, meaning an excess of one nutrient can inhibit the uptake of another, leading to nutrient lockout.
  7. Environmental Stress: Environmental stressors, such as extreme temperatures or waterlogged conditions, can affect nutrient uptake and contribute to calcium and magnesium lockout.

50mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes

50mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes

The 50mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes has no drainage holes and is 275mm wide and 535mm long.

With its 50mm height, it can be filled to the brim using only about 7.5 liters of growing medium.

Coco coir based substrates/growing mediums are a very popular choice for growing microgreens at home, as it is a soft and airy medium with great moisture retention. Because the microgreen growing cycle is so short, with the seedling relying mostly on nutrients stored inside the seed itself, adding any supplements or additional nutrients to your substrate is not a necessity at all, although a lot of people do add a little bit of worm castings to their mixes, claiming better results.

Once you have added your substrate into the tray, water or mist spray lightly if the substrate is on the dry side and tamp the substrate down very lightly by hand, to get it to settle and flatten out nicely. Then gently sprinkle your seeds across the surface. Once this is done, a VERY thin layer of additional substrate may be sprinkled over the top of the seeds (using a baking sieve, for example)

Place the trays into a suitable environment for germination and mist or spray the top of the substrate regularly to prevent it from drying out. (A propagation dome will help keep substrate moist until your seeds have germinated, saving you a lot of effort. Remove the ). Do not overspray, as this will cause overly wet “swampy” subsurface conditions! Just keep the substrate slightly moist at all times.

Once your seeds have sprouted and grown to a harvestable size, you are able to clip off the delicious micro-leaves for your dishes and salads with a pair of pruning scissors.

The 50mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes can also be used as a drip tray for potted plants, which will catch runoff during watering or flushing.


* Highlighter for scale only

Pot Scrog Pot Stake

Pot Scrog Pot Stake

Pot Scrog Pot Stake – Making it easier to trim, train, and secure your favorite plants, the Pot Stake takes up less space than a Pot SCROG Scrog Frame and can be installed next to an established plant quickly.

The horizontal bar that will rest on the surface of your potting medium is 22cm long, with 4 screw-heads that can be used to tie down branches during low stress training using a roll of Twist Tie, for example. The 2 vertical prongs that will provide stability to the Pot Stake are 21cm long, while the height of the stake from the horizontal bar is 74cm. The stake has 4 horizontal supports spaced along its height, providing ample anchoring or training support for your plant.

Use Green Stretchy Tape for softer stems, to not damage the plant tissue while tying down.

This stake is ideal for holding up maturing Cannabis stalks, especially in windy environments, as well for growing small Chili varieties , Beans, Peas and other vines or creepers.

* Pot not included – for illustration purposes only

Ah, the drama of mature plant stalks – they’re like the divas of the garden, always threatening to make a grand entrance by dramatically falling over. It’s as if they’ve been rehearsing a Shakespearean tragedy and decided, “To lean or not to lean, that is the question.” Picture your plants swaying like elegant ballerinas, but when they get tired, instead of a graceful curtsy, they opt for a dramatic collapse. Enter the plant stakes – the unsung heroes of the garden. These stakes are like the backstage crew, working tirelessly to ensure that your plants stay on their feet and avoid a horticultural catastrophe. So, here’s to the mature plant stalks and their penchant for theatrics, and here’s to the sturdy stakes that keep the garden stage upright, saving us from a Shakespearean tragedy in the veggie patch!

30mm Microgreen Tray With Holes

30mm Microgreen Tray With Holes

The 30mm Microgreen Tray With Holes (drainage slots, to be precise) and is 275mm wide and 535mm long. The drainage provided will help prevent overly wet substrates and potential rot.

With its low 30mm height, it can be filled to the brim using only about 4.5 liters of growing medium.

Coco coir based substrates/growing mediums are a very popular choice for growing microgreens at home, as it is a soft and airy medium with great moisture retention. Because the microgreen growing cycle is so short, with the seedling relying mostly on nutrients stored inside the seed itself, adding any supplements or additional nutrients to your substrate is not a necessity at all, although a lot of people do add a little bit of worm castings to their mixes, claiming better results.

Once you have added your substrate into the 30mm Microgreen Tray With Holes, water or mist spray lightly if the substrate is on the dry side and tamp the substrate down very lightly by hand, to get it to settle and flatten out nicely. Then gently sprinkle your seeds across the surface. Once this is done, a VERY thin layer of additional substrate may be sprinkled over the top of the seeds (using a baking sieve, for example)

Place the trays into a suitable environment for germination and mist or spray the top of the substrate regularly to prevent it from drying out. (A propagation dome will help keep substrate moist until your seeds have germinated, saving you a lot of effort. Remove the ). Do not overspray, as this will cause overly wet “swampy” subsurface conditions! Just keep the substrate slightly moist at all times.

Once your seeds have sprouted and grown to a harvestable size, you are able to clip off the delicious micro-leaves for your dishes and salads with a pair of pruning scissors.



* Pen for scale only

Acoustic Ducting

Acoustic Ducting

Acoustic ducting is used to reduce the noise generated by air extraction.

Prices are per meter, max length of single piece of ducting = 10 meters. ( Example: if ordering 15 meters, you will receive 1 x 10 meter length and 1 x 5 meter length )

Offering a more cost-effective and flexible alternative than silencers, Acoustic Ducting is used to reduce the noise made by ventilation fans in grow rooms and industrial areas.

It’s made from a perforated inner core that’s identical to our Aludec Ducting but with lots of small holes punched in it – this is then wrapped in a layer of fibre and sealed by another layer of aluminium foil. As the air travels down the inner core the sound is let out through the holes into the fibre, which deadens the sound.

In practice it reduces the noise of a fan by around 60%-80%.

30mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes

30mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes

The 30mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes is 275mm wide and 535mm long.

With its low 30mm height, it can be filled to the brim using only about 4.5 liters of growing medium.

Coco coir based substrates/growing mediums are a very popular choice for growing microgreens at home, as it is a soft and airy medium with great moisture retention. Because the microgreen growing cycle is so short, with the seedling relying mostly on nutrients stored inside the seed itself, adding any supplements or additional nutrients to your substrate is not a necessity at all, although a lot of people do add a little bit of worm castings to their mixes, claiming better results.

Once you have added your substrate into the tray, water or mist spray lightly if the substrate is on the dry side and tamp the substrate down very lightly by hand, to get it to settle and flatten out nicely. Then gently sprinkle your seeds across the surface. Once this is done, a VERY thin layer of additional substrate may be sprinkled over the top of the seeds (using a baking sieve, for example)

Place the trays into a suitable environment for germination and mist or spray the top of the substrate regularly to prevent it from drying out. (A propagation dome will help keep substrate moist until your seeds have germinated, saving you a lot of effort. Remove the ). Do not overspray, as this will cause overly wet “swampy” subsurface conditions! Just keep the substrate slightly moist at all times.

Once your seeds have sprouted and grown to a harvestable size, you are able to clip off the delicious micro-leaves for your dishes and salads with a pair of pruning scissors.

The 30mm Microgreen Tray Without Holes can also be used as a drip tray for potted plants, which will catch runoff during watering or flushing.


* Pen for scale only

8.5lt Autopot Pot Divider

8.5lt Autopot Pot Divider

8.5lt Autopot Pot Divider – Get more from your Autopot modules!

PotDivider allows you to multiply your plant count without increasing system size. At a stroke, each of your pots is capable of holding four plants – each in its own separate section.

Excellent for tight-leaved varieties, herbs or for rooting seedlings for transplant!

PotDivider is perfect for the pre-veg stage, and is equally effective with plants that simply don’t require the run of an entire pot. A partitioned base removes the need for a clay pebble layer or Autopot AirBase in the bottom of the pot. When the time comes, the Pot Divider lifts out cleanly, bringing your nascent plants with it, making the process of removing plants and repotting an absolute cinch.

8.5lt Autopot Pot Divider instruction leaflet HERE

Examples of use:

Create a deep yet narrow planting pot – The importance of using a deep pot for seedlings, particularly for plants with taproots, lies in promoting healthy root development and ensuring the long-term stability and vigor of the plant. Taproots are the primary root structures that grow vertically downward from the seed and serve as the main anchor for the plant. There are several reasons why a deep pot is beneficial for seedlings with taproots.


Maximize a smaller grow space – Growing multiple small plant varieties in the same pot, often referred to as companion planting or mixed container gardening, is an innovative and space-efficient gardening approach that offers several advantages. This method allows for a harmonious blend of colors, textures, and scents, creating visually appealing and/or multifunctional arrangements. Additionally, it maximizes the use of limited space, making it an ideal option for balconies, patios, or small gardens. By carefully selecting plant combinations, you can create dynamic ecosystems within a single container, promoting biodiversity and attracting beneficial insects.

Gift Voucher

Gift Voucher 2023

Purchase a Gift Voucher.

Each Voucher will have their own unique coupon code.

The Gift Voucher will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours (working days) for you to be able to either e-mail it to the recipient or print it out to give to them.

All the recipient needs to do is place all their goodies in cart, then view cart. On the bottom left side of cart they type in their coupon code.  Click the ‘Apply Coupon’ button and then ‘Proceed to Checkout’.

Our Gift Voucher enables recipient to make multiple purchases until the total value specified is exhausted or the coupons life expires.

For example a R1000 Gift Voucher used at Checkout for a R600 purchase will allow for a future purchase of R400 or until the total value expires or is exhausted. You can even buy Products worth more than the remaining balance and just pay the difference at Checkout.

Gift Vouchers are valid for 1 year from date of purchase.