Smiley Seeds 3+1 packs

Smiley Seeds

Smiley Seeds 3+1 packs ( 1 is freeeeeeee )

Fasts are photo + auto crosses. Fasts respond to light cycles and have a week or 2 week shorter flowering time compared to the original strain.

NO UNDER 18’s.

All are feminized.

For heirloom preservation purposes only.

“Cannabis grows like a weed” – Unknown

Andermatt Madumbi BioCarb-K 1kg

Andermatt Madumbi BioCarb-K 1kg

Andermatt Madumbi BioCarb-K 1kg provides efficient , plant-available Potassium in a Chloride free formulation, especially designed for foliar feeding on crops with a sensitivity to Chloride.

SIZE: 1kg. 

K: 331 g/kg

Dosage: 0.5% ( 5g per liter ) Apply as foliar spray when needed

Do not add additional surfactants, pH buffers, etc!

(Not to be confused with the BioCarb-K with the way higher concentration of K (990g/kg), indicated for use against powdery mildew!)



Atlas Seed 5+1 packs

Atlas Seed

Atlas Seed 5+1 packs ( 1 is freeeeeeee )

Fasts are photo + auto crosses. Fasts respond to light cycles and have a week or 2 week shorter flowering time compared to the original strain.

NO UNDER 18’s.

All are feminized.

For heirloom preservation purposes only.

“Cannabis grows like a weed” – Unknown

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Gro

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Gro

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Gro: A highly concentrated, fully organic, liquid nutrient.

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Gro is a practical and incredibly effective way to feed plants organically, for hobby growers and professionals alike. Pro Organic formulas are specifically designed to meet the needs of all plants throughout growth, flowering and fruiting.

Terra Aquatica was founded by GHE after GH was bought by Scott’s Miracle Gro… story HERE.

Pro Organic actively improves the root environment by feeding microbes that live in harmony with your plants. This provides the essential nutrition and environment to deliver healthy vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting.

Pro Organic is perfectly soluble and well adapted to automatic and drip irrigation systems, or hand watering in conventional gardening. It is also the only nutrient certified for Bioponics (bare root recirculating organic hydroponics).

PLEASE NOTE: N – P – K ratio = 4 – 0 – 5


  • Pro Organic Gro is very concentrated: a maximum of 2 ml/L in water is enough in soil, coco or bioponics.
  • Recommended for use in conjunction with Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom.
  • Shake well before each use!
  • Get T.A.’s new full application chart HERE.

Pro Organic (and all organic feeds) must be broken down by microbes to be made accessible to plants: Use in conjunction with organic soil mixes, like Freedom Farms Premium Growing Medium, and/or beneficial microbe additives, like Biodyne Environoc 401 Microbes.

200mm Programmable Extraction Fan

100mm Programmable Extraction Fan

200mm Programmable Extraction Fan – making environmental control a breeze!

This 200m diameter inline ventilation duct fan has a 1410 m3/h capacity, using 180 Watts of electricity.

The fan comes with a temperature / humidity sensor and a programmable fan controller, allowing for easy and worry-free automation of your grow area’s climate.

  1. Install the fan, probe and controller in your grow tent or grow room, according to what it will be used for.
  2. Read the controller manual! ( For Automation, ALAMS should be DISABLED, or set to EXTREMES )
  3. Program the controller according to your needs
  4. Rest assured that the fan will kick into action when the set thresholds are breached, bringing the climate back into the green!

200mm Programmable Extraction Fan Controller Features:

  • Display temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
  • Fan Speed settings
  • Program fan to start operation on one of 4 adjustable parameters: High Temp / Low Temp / High Humidity / Low Humidity
  • ALARM Settings – Initiates operation despite other settings ( Can be disabled )
  • Adjustable display brightness
  • Temperature and Humidity Calibration
  • Controller Lock
  • Screen ECO mode
  • Alert Icons

The 200mm Programmable Extraction Fan is a game-changer for indoor growers using hot HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lights. These lights can quickly heat up a grow space, potentially causing stress to plants and reducing yields. However, with this fan, growers can maintain a cooler and more stable environment. By programming the fan to turn on when temperatures rise above a certain threshold, excess heat generated by the HPS lights is efficiently removed from the grow space. This ensures that the temperature remains within the optimal range for plant growth, preventing heat stress and promoting healthy development. Additionally, the fan’s automated operation provides peace of mind, allowing growers to focus on other aspects of their operation while knowing their plants are thriving in a cool and comfortable environment.

The 200mm Programmable Extraction Fan is a valuable asset for indoor growers struggling with excessive humidity in their grow space. When the air becomes too moist, it can lead to fungal diseases and pest infestations, threatening the health of the plants. By programming the fan to turn on when humidity levels rise above a certain threshold, growers can effectively remove excess moisture from the air, maintaining a healthy balance. As the fan extracts stale, humid air, it makes way for fresh, drier air to enter the grow space, preventing the formation of condensation and reducing the risk of disease. With its automated operation, the fan ensures that the grow space remains within the optimal humidity range, promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing yields.



Tomato Plant Clips

Tomato Plant Clips How To Install

Tomato Plant Clips are perfect for keeping your Tomato and other plants upright, by attaching them to a trellis, or to stretchy tape or twist ties or even regular pieces of string that are in turn tied to an overhead support.


These clips are made from durable plastic, forming a round click-on ring that locks tight around the plant stalks.

  1. Insert your trellis, stretchy tape or twist tie into the bend of the plant clip, making sure that the material will be clasped tightly by the little clips that are present on the clip, right where it bends.
  2. Insert one or more plant stalks into the ring and clip it shut

The clip will have a loose fit around the plant stem so that the stem does not get damaged and has slits around the sides for free air movement.

Read more about how to prune Tomato plants HERE.

Tomato Plant Clips are perfect for tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, melons, other vine crops and anywhere where plant shoots have a tendency to fall over.

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom: A highly concentrated, fully organic, liquid nutrient.

Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Bloom is a practical and incredibly effective way to feed plants organically, for hobby growers and professionals alike. Pro Organic formulas are specifically designed to meet the needs of all plants throughout growth, flowering and fruiting.

Terra Aquatica was founded by GHE after GH was bought by Scott’s Miracle Gro… story HERE.

Pro Organic actively improves the root environment by feeding microbes that live in harmony with your plants. This provides the essential nutrition and environment to deliver healthy vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting.

Pro Organic is perfectly soluble and well adapted to automatic and drip irrigation systems, or hand watering in conventional gardening. It is also the only nutrient certified for Bioponics (bare root recirculating organic hydroponics).

PLEASE NOTE: N – P – K ratio = 3 – 1 – 4


  • Pro Organic Bloom is very concentrated: a maximum of 2 ml/L in water is enough in soil, coco or bioponics.
  • Recommended for use in conjunction with Terra Aquatica Pro Organic Gro.
  • Shake well before each use!
  • Get T.A.’s new full application chart HERE.

Pro Organic (and all organic feeds) must be broken down by microbes to be made accessible to plants: Use in conjunction with organic soil mixes, like Freedom Farms Premium Growing Medium, and/or beneficial microbe additives, like Biodyne Environoc 401 Microbes.

Starke Ayres Vegetable Seed Packs

Starke Ayres Vegetable Seed Packs

Starke Ayres Vegetable Seed Packs are now available in a number of vegetable seed varieties.

The seeds are treated against fungi and parasites, and should only be used for PLANTING, NOT FOR CONSUMPTION. Store in a safe, cool, dry place.

Consult the Starke Ayres Planting Guide to find out which types of vegetable seeds can be planted right now !

Starke Ayres Vegetable Planting Guide Snip

Read up about the ideal conditions that your Starke Ayres Vegetable Seed Packs require for best results. Ideally, the newly sprouted seeds should be left undisturbed ( except for watering ) until the new seedlings are ready to transplant – the bigger the seedling is when first transplanted, the less stressful the transition will be on the plant. Jiffy 7 Pellets are great for germination, and seedlings can be potted into 1.5lt or 5lt Thermoform Plant Pots, using a seedling mix, like Freedom Farms SeedStarter. Once repotted, water seedlings well, to allow the substrate to compact and settle onto the seedling’s root ball. Light feeding can the begin, using nutrients of your choice, given in concentrations that fall in line with the feeding requirements of the type of plant at its current size.

Germinating vegetable seeds is a critical phase in the life cycle of plants, marked by the emergence of a new seedling from its dormant state. This process involves carefully providing the optimal conditions for the seed to break dormancy and initiate growth. Seeds typically require a combination of moisture, warmth, and oxygen to activate enzymes that trigger germination. It’s like nature’s own version of a startup launch – a seed’s way of saying, “I’m ready to grow!”

As the seed absorbs water, it swells, and metabolic activity resumes, leading to the emergence of the radicle, the embryonic root. This marks the beginning of root development and is followed by the appearance of cotyledons, the embryonic leaves. The cotyledons provide the initial burst of energy for the seedling until true leaves take over. It’s a meticulously choreographed botanical ballet taking place beneath the soil surface, where each step is essential for the successful establishment of the plant. So, whether it’s a tomato or a radish, the germination process is the green light for a vegetable seed to embark on its journey to becoming a mature, harvest-ready plant.

Atami Hydro Rokz Clay Pebbles

Atami Hydro Rokz Clay Pebbles

Atami Hydro Rokz Clay Pebbles are made of pure and salt-free baked clay. They contain a very low concentration of elements and this makes them ideal as a substrate for hydroculture. The quality of the clay pebbles is largely determined by the pH value.

Bag Volume: 40 lt.

Size of Clay balls ( a.k.a. LECA ): 8 to 16mm

Clay pebbles are used for various growing methods. Sometimes they are placed at the bottom of the flowerpot when growing on a soil substrate like soil. The Hydro Rokz are also used as an additional drainage.

Hydro Rokz can be mixed with the substrate to make the growing medium airier, so the roots can also branch off better. Another method that is widely used, is growing the plants directly on Hydro Rokz. This is often done in combination with an air pump. This way the roots at the bottom of the pot are constantly immersed in water with liquid fertilisers mixed in, and the oxygen pump provides enough oxygen for the roots.

Growing hydroponically with Atami Hydro Rokz Clay Pebbles is very successful, because the clay pebbles and the flowing water nutrient solution are a golden duo when it comes to a lavish supply of oxygen. The plants both get oxygen from the top and from below. The flowing water contains many times more oxygen than ordinary still water.

• Easy to use
• Airy structure
• Strong, healthy roots

Garden HighPro ProDry Master

Garden HighPro ProDry Master Dry Nets are made from high quality microperforated fabric in a sleek black colour.

The height and number of levels of drying nets can be adjusted according to your needs – each drying rack consists out various pieces that are clipped together. These drying nets can be compactly folded down into their carry bags when not in use.

Garden HighPro ProDry Master Dry Nets are available in three sizes:

  • ProDry Master 55, with 4 levels in total (2 pieces) – 55 cm diameter – 0.96 m² drying area in total
  • ProDry Master 75, with 6 levels in total (3 pieces) – 75 cm diameter – 2.64 m² drying area in total
  • ProDry Master95, with 6 levels in total (3 pieces) – 95 cm diameter – 4.26 m² drying area in total

Garden HighPro ProDry Master detachable racks

Drying out harvested flower should be done in a dark area with gentle airflow, over a period of 3 to 7 days on average. Climate in your drying area should be around 23° Celsius with 50% humidity (use a Digital Thermo-Hygrometer to monitor your climate)

Flowers should be spaced out on your net surface so that there is free airflow all around them.

Read more about the drying and curing process of specifically Cannabis HERE.

Drying nets can also be used for drying out other types of harvestable produce.

Dynaroot Rooting Gel

Dynaroot Rooting Gel

Dynaroot Rooting Gel is a plant growth hormone gel designed to promote the quick and abundant rooting of plant cuttings. It contains active ingredients that are Naphthyl Acetic Acid (NAA) and Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA), both of which are plant hormones known to stimulate root growth and development. Also contains 1g/lt Vitamin B1.

When applied to plant cuttings, DynaRoot Gel helps to encourage the development of roots, which can then support the growth of a healthy new plant. The gel formula ensures that the hormones are delivered directly to the cutting, increasing their effectiveness and reducing waste. Dynaroot is safe and easy to use, and can be applied to a wide variety of plant species.

Volume: 250ml ( Can treat more than 800 cuttings )

PLEASE NOTE: This is the Number 2 concentration, for semi-hardwood cuttings. Dynaroot Gel No.2 is a tenacious, high performance, water-based, rooting gel, which will remain in contact around the stems of the cuttings, actually sealing the cut tissue and then supplying the hormones needed to promote root cell development and vitamins to protect the delicate new root tissue. You can use Dynaroot Gel No.2 on all types of semi-hardwood plant cuttings including woody, herbaceous, and flowering ornamental species, vegetables, fruit trees and small fruits and nuts.

Usage Directions:

Pour desired amount of Dynaroot Rooting Gel into a clean container.
Dip the lower 10 to 20 mm of the softwood cutting in the gel.
Gently insert cutting into the chosen medium.
Look for root development in 1-2 weeks
Lateral shoots from the current year’s growth are usually the most reliable and are best taken at a node or joint, or at the base of a shoot, and with the lower leaves removed.
Gentle bottom heat in the rooting medium will improve and hasten the effect of the rooting hormone if the plants are naturally dormant or the growth is slow.

Suitable for use with sowing / seedling substrates like Freedom Farms Seedstarter / Rockwool / Jiffy Plugs and Pellets / Eazyplugs and more!


GuardnAid Yellow Sticky Trap 5 Pack

GuardnAid Yellow Sticky Trap 5 Pack

GuardnAid Yellow Sticky Trap 5 Pack – Catch and identify your pests with this pack of five double sided yellow glue sheets used to monitor the presence of all flying insects (eg: Fungus Gnats). Use these sticky fly traps as part of your routine integrated pest management (IPM) procedure to alert you to a problem before it becomes an infestation and also to curb pest numbers in enclosed environments, such as indoor grow spaces.

The GuardnAid Yellow Sticky Trap 5 Pack includes plastic hanging hooks that are clipped into the perforated holes that run along the short sides of the traps. Simply peel off the cover paper, attach the hanging hook and hang close to your plantings.

Trap Dimensions: 24 cm x 10 cm

It is recommended to hang more than one trap in a growing area, enabling detection of pests as soon as possible. Use about 2 to 3 traps in an area of 2.4 m x 1.8 m.

If your plants are already established and of a good size, you can gently shake the plant canopies to cause insects that are present to take flight – alerting you of their presence.

These insect catchers should last for several months in a dust-free low-humidity environment.

If more than half of a trap is covered with insects and/or dust, replace the insect catcher.

It is recommended to change the traps once a month in a space with lost of pests during the growing season.

GuardnAid Yellow Sticky Trap 5 Pack insect catchers can also be placed horizontally, close to the base of your plants, to warn you of pests that live close to the soil surface ( eg: Scarid Fly ) The horizontal traps can be secured by pushing stakes through the perforated holes of the traps.

These traps are made with biodegradable material and no poisons and may be disposed of in recyclable household waste. Due to the strong glue used on the traps, keep out of reach of pets and children.




Curved Hydroponic Plant Cups

Curved Hydroponic Plant Cups replace net pots and enable substrate-free NFT hydroponic growing.

The cups are made out of Polypropylene and the rubber slotted grommets are made out of TPE-S Compound,  a well known food grade material.

Curved Hydroponic Plant Cups Features

More on NFT Hydroponics

NFT, or Nutrient Film Technique, is a popular hydroponic system for cultivating plants in a soilless environment. In NFT hydroponics, a thin film of nutrient-rich water is continuously circulated over the plant roots, providing them with a steady supply of essential nutrients. This method maximizes oxygen exposure to the roots, promoting rapid growth and healthy development. NFT systems are known for their efficiency and are widely used in commercial greenhouse settings as well as by home gardeners. The NFT setup is relatively simple, consisting of a sloping channel where plants are positioned with their roots suspended within the nutrient solution. The excess solution is collected, filtered, and recirculated, making NFT a water-conserving approach to plant cultivation.

One of the key advantages of NFT hydroponics lies in its ability to support a wide range of crops, from leafy greens like lettuce and herbs, to fruiting plants like tomatoes and cucumbers. The controlled environment of NFT systems minimizes the risk of soil-borne diseases, pests, and weeds, allowing for cleaner and more predictable yields. Additionally, NFT systems are known for their space efficiency, making them suitable for urban farming and areas with limited arable land. By precisely managing the nutrient concentration and pH levels in the water, growers can fine-tune the growing conditions to optimize plant health and productivity. Overall, NFT hydroponics presents an innovative and sustainable approach to modern agriculture, offering a pathway towards more efficient and environmentally conscious food production.

Get your Curved Hydroponic Plant Cups today and start building your dream NFT system!

Atami High Porosity Cocos

Atami High Porosity Cocos

Atami High Porosity Cocos growing medium consists of high-quality aged, washed, buffered and adeptly fertilized coco, with the added benefit of the airiness of perlite.

The availability of air is vital for your crops’ root development. Roots need to breathe, as an airy substrate results in the production of more root hairs.  The oxygen is required to process sugars into energy. Using this energy, the roots can expand and actively supply more nutrients to the rest of your crop.

This is why it is essential that a substrate offers a high air percentage. Any airy substrate provides proper drainage and a continuous air supply.

The Atami High Porosity Cocos is unique in the fact that it is a coco with light fertiliser included, sufficient enough for the 1st week of plant growth. The buffering ensures the grower has optimum control of pH levels. After the first week you can add water with liquid fertilisers and stimulators to gain optimal growing results. Because of the structure of coco, it can store nutrients that are continually available for the plant.

Atami growing mediums are internationally certified by RHP, a foundation whose aim is to optimize the quality of growing mediums.

The coconut fibres have been washed, steamed and buffered to ensure that the substrate is free from any pathogens and unwanted elements, giving an optimum growing substrate that is suitable for both seeds and cuttings.

  • Airy structure
  • High quality coco
  • Optimal root development

Available in bags of 50L.

Produced in The Netherlands.


  •  Ingredients – coconut fibers, mineral lime, calcium nitrate and NPK fertilizer 11-27-8
  • pH 6.2
  • EC (1: 1.5 H2O VV) & lt; 1.5 mS / cm
  • Organic matter> 45%
  • Moisture content <80%
  • 50l
  • Air volume 30%

Atami Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40

Atami Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40

Atami Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 offers many benefits of growing. The clay pebbles provide excellent drainage as they retain nearly no water! This decreases the risk of over-watering. When the water is drained, fresh air enters the root zone and gives this substrate a high air ratio, for optimal root development!

The coco in the Atami Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 increases the water retention of the substrate. The Coco offers a buffer between watering times, making sure moisture levels near the roots stay stable. And, it holds on to some nutrients as well!

Atami Hydro Rokz Cocos 60-40 is the most suitable growing medium for our Autopot Systems.

Atami growing mediums are internationally certified by RHP, a foundation whose aim is to optimize the quality of growing mediums.

The coconut fibres have been washed, steamed and buffered to ensure that the substrate is free from any pathogens and unwanted elements, giving an optimum growing substrate that is suitable for both seeds and cuttings.

  • Airy structure
  • High quality coco
  • Optimal root development

Available in bags of 45L.

Produced in The Netherlands.


  •  Ingredients – lightweight expanded clay and coco fibres
  • pH 6.0
  • EC (1: 1.5 H2O VV) & lt; 0.5 mS / cm
  • Organic matter> 15%
  • Moisture content <45%
  • 45l
  • Air volume 35%