Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 20Lt

Bionova Coco Forte Kit

Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 20Lt

Coco Forte A+B is a cost-effective and simple solution for cultivation on every coco fiber substrate. Due to the short buffering in the coco substrates, this extremely concentrated Coco Forte A+B combination is especially formulated for the most effective absorption of the necessary elements. This combination contains all the food grade minerals and trace elements for a rapid growth and abundant flowering. Plants directly absorb all food grade minerals which gives you optimal control of your plants. Coco Forte A must be used in combination with Coco Forte B.

What is Bionova Coco Forte A+B?

Coco Forte A+B is a complete nutrient solution of a “Food-Grade” quality, and the trace elements are chelated so they can be absorbed within a larger pH-range.

The application of these fertilizers is fairly easy and restricts itself to measuring off the equal amounts of Coco Forte A+B and mixing them into the water one at a time. Various elements have been added to this A+B fertilizer, which guarantee an optimal growth and flowering on coco fiber substrates, in particular in the case of re-use. Make sure that the substrate is free of diseases, plagues or viruses in case of re-use.

Tips from Bionova growers:

✔ Use to treat deficiencies: If the plants present deficiencies of nitrogen (N) calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) iron (Fe) or some other micro elements, component A can be applied to the cultivation, this can be applied by root irrigation or by foliar spray, to quickly recovering plants from the nutritional shortage.
✔ On the other hand. if in the crops there are deficiencies of phosphorus (P). potassium (K) or Sulphur (S), we can apply component B also as foliar spray.

Bionova Coco Forte Breakdown

How to use Coco Forte A + B?

Usable from first week of growth until a week before harvest. Flushing is mandatory.
Mixable with all Bionova stimulators, minerals, universals & substrates.
Made for irrigation / hydroponic systems.

Bionova Coco Forte A and B Feeding Schedule


Get your Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 20Lt today!

Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 5Lt

Bionova Coco Forte Kit

Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 5Lt

Coco Forte A+B is a cost-effective and simple solution for cultivation on every coco fiber substrate. Due to the short buffering in the coco substrates, this extremely concentrated Coco Forte A+B combination is especially formulated for the most effective absorption of the necessary elements. This combination contains all the food grade minerals and trace elements for a rapid growth and abundant flowering. Plants directly absorb all food grade minerals which gives you optimal control of your plants. Coco Forte A must be used in combination with Coco Forte B.

What is Bionova Coco Forte A+B?

Coco Forte A+B is a complete nutrient solution of a “Food-Grade” quality, and the trace elements are chelated so they can be absorbed within a larger pH-range.

The application of these fertilizers is fairly easy and restricts itself to measuring off the equal amounts of Coco Forte A+B and mixing them into the water one at a time. Various elements have been added to this A+B fertilizer, which guarantee an optimal growth and flowering on coco fiber substrates, in particular in the case of re-use. Make sure that the substrate is free of diseases, plagues or viruses in case of re-use.

Tips from Bionova growers:

✔ Use to treat deficiencies: If the plants present deficiencies of nitrogen (N) calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) iron (Fe) or some other micro elements, component A can be applied to the cultivation, this can be applied by root irrigation or by foliar spray, to quickly recovering plants from the nutritional shortage.
✔ On the other hand. if in the crops there are deficiencies of phosphorus (P). potassium (K) or Sulphur (S), we can apply component B also as foliar spray.

Bionova Coco Forte Breakdown

How to use Coco Forte A + B?

Usable from first week of growth until a week before harvest. Flushing is mandatory.
Mixable with all Bionova stimulators, minerals, universals & substrates.
Made for irrigation / hydroponic systems.

Bionova Coco Forte A and B Feeding Schedule


Get your Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 5Lt today!

Bionova Coco Forte B

Bionova Coco Forte B

Bionova Coco Forte B – Extremely concentrated coco fertilizer, food grade minerals – Concentration 1:600

Bionova Coco Forte B: N-P-K: 0-6-12

Coco Forte A+B is a cost-effective and simple solution for cultivation on every coco fiber substrate. Due to the short buffering in the coco substrates, this extremely concentrated Coco Forte A+B combination is especially formulated for the most effective absorption of the necessary elements. This combination contains all the food grade minerals and trace elements for a rapid growth and abundant flowering. Plants directly absorb all food grade minerals which gives you optimal control of your plants. Coco Forte A must be used in combination with Coco Forte B.

What is Bionova Coco Forte A+B?

Coco Forte A+B is a complete nutrient solution of a “Food-Grade” quality, and the trace elements are chelated so they can be absorbed within a larger pH-range.

The application of these fertilizers is fairly easy and restricts itself to measuring off the equal amounts of Coco Forte A+B and mixing them into the water one at a time. Various elements have been added to this A+B fertilizer, which guarantee an optimal growth and flowering on coco fiber substrates, in particular in the case of re-use. Make sure that the substrate is free of diseases, plagues or viruses in case of re-use.

Tips from Bionova growers:

✔ Use to treat deficiencies: If the plants present deficiencies of nitrogen (N) calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) iron (Fe) or some other micro elements, component A can be applied to the cultivation, this can be applied by root irrigation or by foliar spray, to quickly recovering plants from the nutritional shortage.
✔ On the other hand. if in the crops there are deficiencies of phosphorus (P). potassium (K) or Sulphur (S), we can apply component B also as foliar spray.

Bionova Coco Forte Breakdown

How to use Coco Forte A + B?

Usable from first week of growth until a week before harvest. Flushing is mandatory.
Mixable with all Bionova stimulators, minerals, universals & substrates.
Made for irrigation / hydroponic systems.

Bionova Coco Forte A and B Feeding Schedule


Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 1Lt

Bionova Coco Forte Kit

Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 1Lt

Coco Forte A+B is a cost-effective and simple solution for cultivation on every coco fiber substrate. Due to the short buffering in the coco substrates, this extremely concentrated Coco Forte A+B combination is especially formulated for the most effective absorption of the necessary elements. This combination contains all the food grade minerals and trace elements for a rapid growth and abundant flowering. Plants directly absorb all food grade minerals which gives you optimal control of your plants. Coco Forte A must be used in combination with Coco Forte B.

What is Bionova Coco Forte A+B?

Coco Forte A+B is a complete nutrient solution of a “Food-Grade” quality, and the trace elements are chelated so they can be absorbed within a larger pH-range.

The application of these fertilizers is fairly easy and restricts itself to measuring off the equal amounts of Coco Forte A+B and mixing them into the water one at a time. Various elements have been added to this A+B fertilizer, which guarantee an optimal growth and flowering on coco fiber substrates, in particular in the case of re-use. Make sure that the substrate is free of diseases, plagues or viruses in case of re-use.

Tips from Bionova growers:

✔ Use to treat deficiencies: If the plants present deficiencies of nitrogen (N) calcium (Ca) magnesium (Mg) iron (Fe) or some other micro elements, component A can be applied to the cultivation, this can be applied by root irrigation or by foliar spray, to quickly recovering plants from the nutritional shortage.
✔ On the other hand. if in the crops there are deficiencies of phosphorus (P). potassium (K) or Sulphur (S), we can apply component B also as foliar spray.

Bionova Coco Forte Breakdown

How to use Coco Forte A + B?

Usable from first week of growth until a week before harvest. Flushing is mandatory.
Mixable with all Bionova stimulators, minerals, universals & substrates.
Made for irrigation / hydroponic systems.

Bionova Coco Forte A and B Feeding Schedule


Get your Bionova Coco Forte A&B Kit 1Lt today!

BioBizz Grow

BioBizz Grow 2022

BioBizz Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. BioBizz Bio-Grow  is an Organic Nutrient Fertiliser.

BioBizz Bio-Grow activates the bacterial flora in the substrate thanks to it basis of 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as molasses. Molasses is a syrup that contains sugar. It forms as a by-product of sugar manufacturing using sugar beet or sugar cane. Wheat starch is the other important raw material used for the production of grain alcohol.

Before being fermented, starch is transformed into glucose with the help of enzymes. So, in other words, molasses are a by-product or residue of a natural fermentation process. They differ from other raw materials due to their high betaine content that helps activate micro activity in the soil through a process of organic facilitation. Bio·Grow® contains 70 trace elements and vitamins B1, B2, C, and E. Just like all Biobizz® products it has a low phosphate content, as this substance is considered harmful to our bodies and the environment.

It is not recommended to use Bio Bizz in a Hydroponic system (NFT, DWC etc)

Bio Bizz is recommended for Hand Feeding into Coco Peat or Soil. 

Storage instructions: Store all your Biobizz products in a cool, dry, dark place (away from direct sunlight) with low humidity and an average (room) temperature of 18 degrees. Don´t store them in the fridge.

BioBizz Grow is an all organic growth promoter made from 100% Dutch sugar beet extract. This potent growth formula is a complete fertiliser solution containing everything your plants need. Enriched with 70 trace elements, natural sugars, humic acids, kelp, and vitamins B1, B2, C and E; Bio Grow is one of the best organic growth promoters out there.

BioBizz Bio Grow has an NPK ratio of 4-3-6 and is a well balanced fertiliser. Designed for use with mostly all types of soil, Bio Grow primarily works by activating bacteria in the soil which in turn helps boost the vegetative growth of your plants.

With a high concentration of nitrogen, Bio Grow is most suitable for use during the vegetative stage of development and is perfect for continued use on herbs and leafy greens. However, it can be administered throughout the entire growth period on all plants, and is used by many growers as a plant tonic during the flowering and fruiting stages.

Key features of Bio Grow include:

  • High nitrogen concentration for vigorous vegetative growth
  • An abundance of trace elements, sugars, vitamins and humic acids for healthy plants
  • All-organic complete fertiliser solution made entirely from sugar beet extract
  • Ideal for organic gardeners and those growing in soil or cocopeat.

Our Opinion

BioBizz are a Dutch based company and they have been making great organic fertilisers for well over a decade. As one of the most trusted manufacturers of organic fertilisers, BioBizz products (including Bio-Grow) are ideal for those who like to grow the natural way in soil – recommended.

NPK ratio: 4 – 3 – 6

Cover Your Crop Seed Packs

Cover Your Crop Seed Packs 2023

Cover Your Crop Seed Packs are here! Each seed pack is enriched with mycorrhizal fungi and kelp flake and will boost the micro-biome in each of your potted plants.

Companion planting is a natural and affordable long term organic solution to providing natural insecticides and fungicides for your Cannabis garden.

Cannabis responds to companion planting with stronger growth, greater resistance to disease and pests and better yields which results in more oil production. A collection of plants grown together that support each other and cannabis are called guilds.

Guilds act as diverse micro-ecosystems, that improve overall soil quality, water penetration and retention and bio-availability of nutrients. Healthy guilds attract beneficial insects and small creatures, that prey on pests that can damage cannabis. Companions often disguise the unique cannabis aroma of flowering plants and hides the strong smell unavoidable during flowering stage.

Small rocks placed randomly among the growing area can become homes for predatory spiders or reptiles that will also help keep insects under control. Lizards are very effective hunters of larger insect pests like moths and can get rid off ants extremely well.

Companions can also act as living mulch, provide shade, green manure, added nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This can all be achieved by planting the correct companions.

Types of cover crop seed packs available:

Winter Rye: Develops a deep root system that locks in soil nutrients and promotes oxygenation. A great way to add bio-available nitrogen into your compost pile. Cut young Rye and add to your smoothies!

Germination Temperature: 20°C – 28°C Prefered PH: 5.6 – 6.5 Light: Full sun

Red Clover: The low-growing clovers are very resilient and act as living mulch, encouraging soil friability. All the clovers fix nitrogen, which is released into the local neighbouring plants as it decomposes.

Germination Temperature: 10°C – 25°C Prefered PH: 5.5 – 7.5 Light: Full sun

Alfalfa: This meter high grass repels the dreaded Lygus Bug, while attracting friends to your patch, such as ladybugs, assassin beetles and several predatory wasps.

Germination Temperature: 18°C – 29°C Prefered PH: 6.8 – 7.5 Light: Full sun

Marigold: A companion planting staple, the powerful and pretty marigold repels beetles and leaf hoppers, Mexican beetle and objectionable nematodes. Its buoyant bloom attracts beneficial nectar-eating species.

Germination Temperature: 23°C – 28°C Prefered PH: 5.5 – 7.5 Light: Full sun

Dill: Dill attracts allies like honeybees and hoverflies, ichneumonids and other beneficial wasps. Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars will forgo your cannabis, as they prefer feasting on dill. Spider mites, the curse of the cannabis farmer, despise dill and will stay away in droves. Dill is also an effective repellent for aphids, cabbage looper and squash bugs.

Germination Temperature: 15°C – 22°C Prefered PH: 5.5 – 7.5 Light: Full sun

Chamomile: The carpet of small bright white flowers will always be buzzing with delighted honeybees and hoverflies while repelling mosquitoes and flies.

Germination Temperature: 20°C – 28°C Prefered PH: 5.6 – 7.5 Light: Full sun

Coriander: As a front-line deterrent, coriander repels aphids, potato beetles and the dreaded spider mite and helps attract tachninid flies, hoverflies and a variety of parasitoid wasps that prey on bad bugs or their larvae.

Germination Temperature: 18°C – 21°C Prefered PH: 6.1 – 7.8 Light: Full sun

BioBizz Bio-Bloom

BioBizz Bio-Bloom 2022

BioBizz Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertiliser. Contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering.

Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. BioBizz Bio-Bloom also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production.

BioBizz Bio-Bloom for soil, soil-less, or fortified coco is therefore a complete fertilizer used from the beginning of fruit or flower production until harvest.

It is packed with naturally occurring minerals, micro-nutrients, amino acids, and hormones of vegetable origin to ensure exuberant flowers and fruit setting.

Potassium helps the forming and flowering of petals and bulbs. Phosphorus gives the nutrients that are necessary to make the calyces and the petals grow. Especially the addition of potassium in the nutrient program, in combination with the change in the day/night rhythm, allows the plant to receive the trigger for flowering.

It is not recommended to use Bio Bizz in a Hydroponic system (NFT, DWC etc)

Bio Bizz is recommended for Hand Feeding into Coco Peat or Soil. 

Bio·Bloom  is a vegetable based, all-organic complete fertiliser designed for use during the productive flowering and fruiting stage of plant development. BioBizz Bio Bloom has an NPK ratio of 2-7-4 to ensure there’s a small amount of nitrogen and plenty of phosphorus and potassium to stimulate abundant floral and fruit growth.

During the flower and fruiting stage of development plants need high levels of the key elements potassium and phosphorous. Both these elements play a vital role in helping plants form flowers and fruits. Usually, a shift to the flowering light cycle and a switch to a bloom nutrient with a high concentration of potassium will be enough to trigger the productive stage of the growth cycle.

As well as the key elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, Bio·Bloom incorporates a range of trace elements and hormones as well as containing a carefully selected mix of enzymes and amino acids. This tailored formulation works to strengthen your plants, enrich the soil, and work with beneficial micro-organisms to promote healthy and vigorous production of flowers and fruits in a complete natural way. No chemical additives necessary.

Key features of Bio Bloom include:

  • High levels of potassium and phosphorous to boost flowering
  • Enriched with amino acids, hormones, and 70 trace elements
  • Ideal for organic gardeners growing in soil or cocopeat.
  • Increases and enhances the flavour of yields
  • Made entirely from vegetable extracts

Our Opinion

Bio·Bloom is one of the original and best organic fertilisers for the flowering and fruiting stage. We’ve had great feedback from our organic customers and it seems the mix of macro nutrients, micro nutrients, enzymes and amino acids is spot on for encouraging and stimulating flowering and fruit production. Overall, a great complete fertiliser from respected Dutch brand BioBizz.

NPK Ratio: 2.0 – 7 – 4

Storage instructions: Store all your Biobizz products in a cool, dry, dark place (away from direct sunlight) with low humidity and an average (room) temperature of 18 degrees. Don´t store them in the fridge.


AC Infinity CloudForge T7 Humidifier

AC Infinity CloudForge T7 Humidifier

AC Infinity CloudForge T7 Humidifier – 15L Capacity, with Smart Controls and targeted vaporizing.

US 2-pin plug. (Now with US-ZA 2-pin adaptor incl.)

US 2-pin plug

  • Designed with smart controls and precision vapors to obtain optimal humidity levels for plant growth.
  • Next-gen EC ultrasonic vaporizer can reach up to 10 levels of humidity for fine-tuned moisture control.
  • Built with a specially designed water-resistant seal to prevent leakage and extend operational lifespan.
  • Features VPD and humidity triggers, timers, a hidable backlit display, and auto-start with backup memory.
  • Interchangeable nozzle heads included for flexible moisture distribution in one direction or a wide area.
  • Max Output Rate: 1.3 lt/h 

AC Infinity CloudForge T7 Humidifier PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

A next-gen 15L humidifier designed with smart controls and targeted vapor delivery to obtain ideal humidity levels for successful plant growth. Its body is specially sealed for enhanced water resistance, ensuring no water tank leakage to extend and preserve its long operational lifespan. The controller features onboard humidity and VPD triggering, which utilizes a corded sensor probe for accurate readings, and timer programming. Once activated, the innovative EC ultrasonic vaporizer digitally pulses water to distribute moisture throughout your grow space. This degree of control, together with smart programming, will allow you to fine-tune your climate to facilitate healthy nutrient uptake. This product is a part of the UIS™ platform of grow devices and smart controllers, designed to unite with the AC Infinity app over WiFi to achieve your ideal environment.


The environmental humidifier’s onboard controller is equipped with humidity and VPD triggers plus timer programming. The VPD triggers can intuitively generate humidity at the exact time needed to maintain optimal moisture levels. Digitally set up to 10 levels of condensation to generate precise levels of humidity for your plants in any stage of their growth cycle. You can connect this smart humidifier to UIS controllers to integrate with other grow devices and access more dynamic climate triggers, grow cycles, and schedules.


This series was designed from the ground up for optimized moisture control in grow space environments. It includes an elbow nozzle to distribute high-volume moisture to a unidirectional area, as well as a five-way nozzle that evenly directs moisture in all directions for wider coverage. In addition to the specially designed seal, the body is built with waterproof ports that ensure no leakage into them when connecting UIS controllers. Also features a backlit display that can be toggled off to prevent night cycle disruption, and an automatic shutoff system that turns this humidifier off when its water supply is depleted.


  Product Identification
   Manufacturer    AC Infinity Inc.
   Product Name    CLOUDFORGE T7
   Product Model    AC-CFT7
   UPC Code    819137023628
   Product Dimensions
   Total Length    9.52 in. (24.2 cm)
   Total Width    10.23 in. (26.0 cm)
   Total Height    20.51 in. (52.1 cm)
   Product Performance and Technical Specs
   Capacity    3.96 gal (15 l)
   Max Runtime    30 hrs
   Output Rate    43.95 fl oz/h
   Noise    46 dBA
   Wattage    100 W
   Voltage    100-240V AC
   Frequency    50/60 Hz
   Operating Temperature    41 to 122ºF
   Operating Humidity    30% to 85% RH

Digital Humidity Controller

Digital Humidity Controller

Our Digital Humidity Controller makes managing relative humidity (RH) in your growing and drying spaces so much easier.

The unit is versatile and can be used in a number of ways depending on which operating mode you select and how you wire up the unit.

There are 2 simple modes of operation, where the unit will turn equipment on when the humidity drops below a set % ( Humidification mode ) OR the unit will turn equipment on when the humidity rises above a certain % (Dehumidification mode).

For more advanced users, two sets of equipment could be operated with the digital humidity controller. Here, the default circuit ( called Normally ON / Normally CLOSED ) will be used to constantly power equipment, UNTIL such time as the switching conditions are met.

  • Dry Weather Example: A humidifier will continuously operate UNTIL the RH goes above a certain %, at which point the controller will “flip over” the normally active circuit, powering down the humidifier and turning on the alternate circuit ( connected to, for example an extraction fan ) which will operate until the RH drops to below the set %.
  • Wet Weather Example: A dehumidifier will continuously operate UNTIL the RH drops below a certain %, at which point the controller will “flip over” the normally active circuit, powering down the dehumidifier and turning on the alternate circuit ( connected to, for example a misting unit ) which will then operate until the RH increases to above the set %.

The unit can be programmed in various other ways, which include the % drop or increase before circuit is switched over, ON time delays ( To prevent damage to equipment ) and it also has an emergency mode feature, where equipment will be turned on for preset amounts of time in case of RH probe errors.

The unit runs off 220V AC, which means no additional AC Adaptors / Drivers are needed to power up the unit itself.

Please note that the controlled equipment will still require their own power sources ( the unit does not provide power to the equipment, it only engages or disengages their circuits ) PLEASE USE RESPONSIBLY – Get a professional to help you if you feel unsure about your wiring.

Unit includes RH probe only, no additional electrical wires or plugs are included.

Wiring Diagrams:

Some units have a 3-wire sensor. If you plan to remove and then replace the sensor from the unit, MAKE NOTE OF WHAT COLOUR WIRE IS INSTALLED INTO WHICH TERMINAL BEFORE REMOVING THE WIRES

Digital Humidity Controller wiring diagram


Some units have a 4-wire sensor. If you plan to remove and then replace the sensor from the unit, MAKE NOTE OF WHAT COLOUR WIRE IS INSTALLED INTO WHICH TERMINAL BEFORE REMOVING THE WIRES

DHC-100+ Wiring - 4-wire sensor

Technical Specifications:

Model number
DHC-100+ series
Supply voltage
220Vac, 110Vac, 50/60Hz; 12Vac/dc, 24Vac/dc
Humidity measuring range
Humidity control range
Humidity accuracy
25℃: ±(5%RH+0.5digit)
10-40℃ 0%-59%RH: ±(6%RH+0.5digit)
10-40℃ 59%-99%RH: ±(8%RH+0.5digit)
Input types
HTG3515CH temperature humidity sensor, length is 2 m (includes the probe)
Sensor Stability
Output types
One SPDT electromagnetic relay
Relay contact rating
10A at 250VAC, Max.single phase load is 0.5HP/220VAC
Power consumption
Less than 3W
Front panel IP rating
Insulation resistance
500M ohm min
Withstand voltage
2KV 50Hz for 1min, no breakdown and flashover phenomenon
Vibration resistance
(10-5-10) Hz, 2G, 3min vibration, work normal
Operating temperature
0 to 60 ℃
Operating humidity
20-85% RH max, non-condensing
Storage temperature
-30 to 75 ℃

Mars TSW-2000 2022 Upgrade

Mars TSW-2000 2022 Upgrade

The Mars TSW-2000 2022 Upgrade LED grow light has arrived – improving on the already well known performance and reliability of the TS range.

Key upgraded features :

  • New flat white reflector casing, with angled edges on all four sides.
  • Improved thermal insulation and heat dissipation.
  • Improved diode layout that allows for a more even light distribution over the coverage area. (More diodes around the edges of the quantum board, softening the light intensity in the center of the growing area).

Core features :

  • 5 year warranty, with quick local repairs and after-sales service.
  • 2.6μmol/j PPE efficiency (Photosynthetic Photon Efficacy is the PAR photon output of a light source (measured in micromoles per second or µmol/s) divided by the input power (Watt) to produce that light.
  • Includes a dimming module that can be daisy-chained.
  • Optimized Light Spectrum, including a mix of cool and warm white diodes, and red and near infrared diodes.
  • Coverage area: Flowering: 90 cm x 90 cm | Veg: 120 cm x 120 cm
  • MOSO drivers with Bridgelux LED diodes.
  • No moving parts, completely silent operation.


More Information
WATTAGE 300W±5%@AC120-277V
Core Coverage 3’x3′
Max Coverage 4’x4′
PPE 2.6μmol/j
PPF 776μmol/S
Chip Brand BridgeLux
Spectrum 660-665nm 730-740nm 3000-3200K 6000-6500K
Max Yield 2.3g/W
Voltage AC100-277V
Amps 2.451A@AC120V 1.227A@AC240V 1.082A@AC277V
BTU 1023
Certificate UKCA,CE,RoHS, ETL
Lifespan 50000H
WARRANTY 5 years
Dimension 561*499.5*68mm

Mars Hydro TS-600 2022 Upgrade

Mars Hydro TS-600 2022 Upgrade

The Mars Hydro TS-600 2022 Upgrade LED grow light has arrived – improving on the already well known performance and reliability of the TS range.

Key upgraded features :

  • New flat white reflector casing, with angled edges on all four sides.
  • Improved thermal insulation and heat dissipation.
  • Improved diode layout that allows for a more even light distribution over the coverage area. (More diodes around the edges of the quantum board, softening the light intensity in the center of the growing area).

Core features :

  • 5 year warranty, with quick local repairs and after-sales service.
  • 2.0μmol/j PPE efficiency (Photosynthetic Photon Efficacy is the PAR photon output of a light source (measured in micromoles per second or µmol/s) divided by the input power (Watt) to produce that light.
  • Optimized Light Spectrum, including a mix of cool and warm white diodes, and red and near infrared diodes.
  • Coverage Area: Flowering: 45 cm x 45 cm | Veg: 60 cm x 60 cm
  • Bridgelux LED diodes.
  • No moving parts, completely silent operation.


WATTAGE 100W±5%@AC120V, 99W±5%@AC240V
Core Coverage 1.5’x1.5′
Max Coverage 2’x2′
PPE 2.0μmol/j
PPF 190umol/S
Chip Brand BridgeLux
LEDS QUANTITY 225 pcs@120V 240 pcs@240V
Spectrum 660-665nm 730-740nm 3000-3200K 6000-6500K
Max Yield 1.8g/W
Voltage AC110-130V,220-240V
Amps 1.38A@AC120V 0.80A@AC240V
BTU 341
Certificate UKCA,CE,RoHS, ETL
Lifespan 50000 H
WARRANTY 5 years
Dimension 356*310*36mm

Benefits of using a Mars Hydro TS-600 2022 Upgrade LED Grow Light, compared to HPS or CFL lighting:

  • More efficient
  • Longer lasting
  • More natural light spectrum
  • Way less heat than HPS


As MARS HYDRO is constantly working on improved iterations of their LED grow lights, some specifications may change over time without notice. tries to keep this information as accurate and current as humanly possible. 

Mars Hydro TS-3000 2022 Upgrade

Mars Hydro TS-3000 2022 Upgrade

The Mars Hydro TS-3000 2022 Upgrade LED grow light has arrived – improving on the already well known performance and reliability of the TS range.

Key upgraded features :

  • New flat white reflector casing, with angled edges on all four sides.
  • Improved thermal insulation and heat dissipation.
  • Improved diode layout that allows for a more even light distribution over the coverage area. (More diodes around the edges of the quantum board, softening the light intensity in the center of the growing area).

Core features :

  • 5 year warranty, with quick local repairs and after-sales service.
  • 2.7μmol/j PPE efficiency (Photosynthetic Photon Efficacy is the PAR photon output of a light source (measured in micromoles per second or µmol/s) divided by the input power (Watt) to produce that light.
  • Includes a dimming module that can be daisy-chained.
  • Optimized Light Spectrum, including a mix of cool and warm white diodes, and red and near infrared diodes.
  • Coverage Area: Flowering: 120 cm x 120 cm | Veg: 150 cm x 150 cm.
  • MeanWell drivers with Bridgelux LED diodes.
  • No moving parts, completely silent operation.


WATTAGE 450W±5%@AC120-277V
PPE 2.7μmol/j
PPF 1210umol/S
SPECTRUM 660-665nm 730-740nm 3000-3200K 6000-6500K
AMPS 3.868A@AC120V 1.929A@AC240V 1.692A@AC277V
BTU 1534.5
WARRANTY 5 years
DIMENSION 641.5*579.2*68.63mm

Benefits of using a Mars Hydro TS-3000 2022 Upgrade LED Grow Light, compared to HPS or CFL lighting:

  • More efficient
  • Longer lasting
  • More natural light spectrum
  • Way less heat than HPS


As MARS HYDRO is constantly working on improved iterations of their LED grow lights, some specifications may change over time without notice. tries to keep this information as accurate and current as humanly possible. 

Microscope Loupe 40X

The Microscope Loupe 40X is ideal for identifying insect pests and plant diseases. Provides a sharp, clear, magnified image without distortion and features a swing-away protective lens cover that also serves as a handle. Loupes also work really well when trying to examine trichome colouring up close.

Get targeted, optimal illumination with the Microscope Loupe 40X. The Loupe works by the light of an intensely bright LED bulbs, getting you 40x closer without eye strain.

• Easily identify pests and diseases, allowing faster prevention and less damage to plants
• Provides targeted, optimal illumination
• Compact and lightweight design
• Super bright LED bulbs to illuminate specimens
• 3 LED’s: switch for either bright white light or UV light
• Includes button cell batteries and a sturdy carry case

Size: 3.3cm wide x 7cm long

Many enthusiasts find that using a magnifying loupe while checking up on plants is the quickest and easiest way to quickly zoom in on points of interest. Unlike other types of handheld magnifiers, a loupe does not need to touch the object that is being looked at and observations can be made quickly and effortlessly. This a great benefit when already in an uncomfortable position between your planting and will save a lot of frustration. If anything if interest is discovered while inspecting, samples can be taken that can be examined in more detail in a more suitable location.


Dip & Root Rooting Hormone

Dip & Root Rooting Hormone 10ml

Dip & Root Rooting Hormone is a liquid rooting stimulator and is used extensively for the propagation of plants for ornamental use in gardens and landscaping, as well as commercially for the propagation of fruit trees.

Dip & Root is diluted with water to the required strength as follows :

Mix 1 : 20 for softwood cuttings
Mix 1 : 10 for semi-hardwood cuttings
Mix 1 : 5 for hardwood cuttings

Active Ingredients :
4-Indole-3-Butyric Acid [IBA] : 10g / Lt
1-Naphty-Acetic Acid : 5g / Lt.

Size: 10ml and 500ml

Dip & Root is a liquid hormone agent that can easily be diluted with water to any strength you should require. Due to the fact that it is a liquid, the right amount of hormones get in contact with the cutting, ensuring that the auxin is easily absorbed. You can even bunch your cuttings and each cutting will receive the identical treatment.

Dip & Root’s proven formula contains two rooting inducing hormones. As the solution contains alcohol, it is self sanitizing, to eliminate cross-contamination, which is very important. It is a stable solution that will not easily deteriorate with age.

By using Dip & Root all required concentrations can be obtained from one container. The ratio can be adapted to suit each type of cutting.


Migro Aray 3 bar LED


The MIGRO ARAY 3 BAR LED is a 250W LED grow light with 3 LED bars, a single driver with dimmer control and a 3.5m long cable. Suitable for flowering a 0.9m x 0.9m grow space.

Maximize your yield with this high efficiency, full spectrum LED Grow Light!

Adaptor-notice-2pin 2

3 Year Limited Warranty.

Aray 3 and 4 comparison

MIGRO ARAY 3 Specs and Features:

Flowering Coverage Photoperiod Up to 90cm x 90cm or (3ft x 3ft) up to 1m x 1m (3.5ft x 3.5ft)
Flowering Coverage Autoflower Up to 120cm x 120cm or (4ft x 4ft)
Vegging Coverage Up to 1.5m x 1.5m (5ft x 5ft)
Minimum Hanging Height 28cm (11″)
Driver Dimming 10 to 100% PWM dimming
Dimmer Adjustment:
Seedlings (up to 3 weeks old): 30%
Early Vegetative phase (3 to 5 weeks old): Increase from 50% to 75%
Late Veg and Flower: 100%
Number of LED Bars 3
Light Dimensions 65cm x 56cm (26″ x 22″)
Power Consumed 250 watts
Voltage / Current 110V / 2.2 Amp; 220V / 1.2 Amp
Total PPF 675 µmols/sec
Efficiency PPF/Watt 2.7 µmols/joule
Full-Spectrum Samsung White 3000K and 5000K CT LM281B and 660nm Reds
LED Protection Acrylic conformal coating (waterproof)
Lifetime 50,000 hours (8.5 years @ 16hour/day)
Warranty 3 years
Protection class IP65
Certification CE, RoHS2, UKCA EMC, EN 55015
Hanging Weight 2.6Kg (5.7lbs)
Hanging System Cable hung on cable grip and ratchet hanger

Consumed Power Watts 250
Efficiency PPF/Watt 2.7  µmols/joule
Total PPF 675 µmols/sec
Total PPFD (usable PPF) 573 µmols/sec
Average PPFD (usable PPF) 708 µmols/m2/sec (in 90cm x 90cm or 3ft x 3ft area @28cm/11″)
573 µmols/m2/sec (in 1m x 1m or 3.5ft x 3.5ft area @28cm/11″)
Efficiency PPFD/Watt (usable PPF) 2.29
LEDs Samsung LM281B White  + Osram 660nm Reds (increased system efficiency)
Spectrum Full spectrum, 3000K and 5000K CT 90CRI white + 660nm RED
LED Driver Lifud High Efficiency