Efekto Ant Dust Powder


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SKU: PLA335 Category:


Efekto Ant Dust Powder – 200g

Insecticide dust with contact and stomach action for the control of ants in the home and garden.

  • Convenient, one-step process
  • Ready-to-use, no mixing required
  • For indoor/outdoor use
  • Broad spectrum control of a wide variety of pests
  • Effective knockdown and long-lasting control of listed pests
  • Lightweight, easy to carry
  • Available in ready-to-use applicator bottle

Efekto Ant Dust Powder Active Ingedients:

Deltamethrin (Pyrethroid) 0,75 g/kg
Carbaryl (Carbamate) 15 g/kg

Usage Instructions:

Ants (20 g per 10 m²):

Dust freely where problem occurs
Repeat after 10 days or when new infestations of ants occur
Treat active nest entrances and ant trails by dusting the powder freely where problem occurs
Repeat if necessary


  • Use only as directed
  • Wear protective clothing when handling dusting powder
  • Wear a face shield when applying the dust
  • Avoid contact with the skin and wash spillages from skin immediately
  • Poisonous when swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin
  • May irritate skin, eyes and cause skin sensitization
  • Toxic to fish, bees and wildlife
  • Store away from food and feedstuffs
  • Keep out of reach of children, animals and uninformed persons
  • Keep container well close



  • Do not inhale dust
  • Do not use in presence of persons with known sensitivity to pyrethroids
  • In the case of signs of sensitivity, obtain medical advice
  • Wash with non-abrasive soap and water after use or accidental skin contact
  • Wash contaminated clothing daily
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke whilst applying
  • Prevent drift onto other plants, crops or areas not under treatment
  • Destroy empty container and do not re-use for any other purpose