Seagro Organic Plant Food



Seagro Organic Plant Food – Fish Emulsion: a certified organic input with a wide range of applications as an organic fertilizer in agriculture, horticulture and for home and garden use.


It is highly concentrated and easy to apply. Seagro Organic Plant Food contains macro as well as micro elements for healthy soil and plant nutrition and can be used as a soil drench or a foliar feed.
The natural amino acids are quickly absorbed, which improves the quality and yield of crops. Seagro can be applied together with herbicides and fungicides.

The Seagro product quality has been improved for nozzle-spraying and thus will not cause blockage in irrigation systems (particle size – 10 microns or less) and the pH level of 4.0 ensures a long shelf life.


Shake well before use. Mix. 5ml (1 teaspoon) or more of Seagro per liter of water and apply as required. Application does not have to be precise because there is no chance of overdose or burning of plants.


Macro Elements: Nitrogen (N) 53g/kg • Phosphorous (P) 7g/kg • Potassium (K) 17g/kg • Calcium (Ca) 0.5g/kg • Magnesium (M9) 1.5g/kg.

Micro Elements: Manganese (Mn) 2 mg/kg • Iron (Fe) 170 mg/kg • Copper (Cu) 1 mg/kg • Zinc (Zn) 37mg/kg • Boron (B) 17mg/kg