Liquid pH Down


Liquid pH Down is used to decrease pH in the nutrient mix. Consists of Phosphoric Acid. Add in small amounts until the pH is reduced to the required level.


Liquid pH Down is used to decrease pH in the nutrient mix. Consists of Phosphoric Acid.

Instructions: Add in small amounts of Liquid pH Down until the pH is reduced to the required level (5.5-6.5). The acid should always be added to the water and not the other way round, as acid splashes can be extremely painful.

Use in conjunction with a pH meter or good quality pH test kit.

Allow water to circulate for about 15 minutes before testing pH.

Liquid pH Down is highly concentrated and usually goes a long way for the average home gardener. Always test with small amounts at a time checking the PH level each time as well to see how much it was lowered. Add small increments at a time until you reach the desired PH level.

Extremely corrosive, avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not ingest. Keep away from Children.

What is pH?

A measure of acidity or alkalinity of water soluble substances (pH stands for ‘potential of Hydrogen’). A pH value is a number from 1 to 14, with 7 as the middle (neutral) point. Values below 7 indicate acidity which increases as the number decreases, 1 being the most acidic.

Acidity and alkalinity are extremely important factors in your crop’s water and root zone.  A pH reading out of that range indicates conditions that very much decrease your plants’ ability to take in nutrients, grow well and produce large harvests.