Epsom Salts



Epsom Salts is a magnesium deficiency corrector for foliar or root application.

Magnesium sulfate and sulfur are absorbed through leaves and roots to help them produce chlorophyll. Epsom Salts are recommended to promote excellent blooms .

Magnesium and sulfur are the two major components of Epsom Salt. Crop researchers have determined that magnesium is:

A critical mineral for seed germination.
Vital to the production of chlorophyll, which plants use to transform sunlight into food.
An aid in the absorption of phosphorus and nitrogen, two of the most important fertilizer components.

Sulfur, the other major component of Epsom Salt, is also an important plant nutrient. Sulfer may:

Contribute to chlorophyll production.
Make the primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) found in most fertilizers more effective.
Although magnesium and sulfur occur naturally in soil, they can be depleted by various conditions, including heavy agricultural use over time. But unlike most commercial fertilizers, which build up in the soil over time, Epsom Salt is not persistent so you can’t overuse it. Tests by the National Gardening Association confirm – roses fertilized with Epsom Salt grow bushier and produce more flowers, while the compound makes pepper plants grow larger than those treated with commercial fertilizer alone.

To relieve Magnesium deficiency

Application for misting or foliar spraying:

Mix 1 tsp in 2L water. Spray at lights out or evening.

Repeat every 3 days until one sees an improvement.

Application for soil watering:

Mix 1 Tbs in 5L of water. Feed once during growing phase and twice when flowering.