
Chunky Buffered Coco Peat Bricks

Original price was: R160.00.Current price is: R145.00.

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SKU: MED154 Category:


Chunky Buffered Coco Peat Bricks / CocoGreen Berry Fusion – O2, with MCT (Moisture Control Technology)

Weight per brick is approx.: 5kg and yields 50 – 60 liters when expanded. Coir pH is between 5.4 and 6.8, and with an E.C < 0.3

These buffered bricks have no coco pith fines in them, they are mix of small-cut coco chunks and small coco fibers.

While seedlings and smaller plants prefer a finer coco coir, larger plants tend to do better in a chunkier, more airy coir. Ideal container size is 8 – 20 liters and frequent, small irrigation doses are recommended.

Chunky Buffered Coco Peat Bricks - Properties


With Buffered Cocopeat like the Chunky Buffered Coco Peat Bricks, there is no need to buffer as it has already been done, but it still can be flushed/rinsed before using.


Cocopeat, pressed into Coco peat bricks, has a negatively charged complex, surrounded by a couple of positively charged ions: sodium and potassium. Because these elements stick to the complex, like iron to a magnet, there is no danger to the plant root initially. The problem starts when fertilizing with calcium. The calcium will push the potassium and sodium aside and take their position. Consequently, the calcium that is connected to the complex won’t be available to the plant, while sodium and potassium that are released into the water will be available.

To avoid this ‘time bomb’ problem, the Cocopeat needs to be  buffered. In buffered cocopeat the ion exchange, as we call the process where calcium pushes the other ions off the complex, has already taken place.