150mm Programmable Extraction Fan

R2 550.00

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SKU: ENV481 Category:


150mm Programmable Extraction Fan – making environmental control a breeze!

This 100m diameter inline ventilation duct fan has a 683 m3/h capacity, using 70 Watts of electricity.

The fan comes with a temperature / humidity sensor and a programmable fan controller, allowing for easy and worry-free automation of your grow area’s climate.

  1. Install the fan, probe and controller in your grow tent or grow room, according to what it will be used for.
  2. Read the controller manual! ( For Automation, ALAMS should be DISABLED, or set to EXTREMES )
  3. Program the controller according to your needs
  4. Rest assured that the fan will kick into action when the set thresholds are breached, bringing the climate back into the green!

100mm Programmable Extraction Fan Controller Features:

  • Display temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
  • Fan Speed settings
  • Program fan to start operation on one of 4 adjustable parameters: High Temp / Low Temp / High Humidity / Low Humidity
  • ALARM Settings – Initiates operation despite other settings ( Can be disabled )
  • Adjustable display brightness
  • Temperature and Humidity Calibration
  • Controller Lock
  • Screen ECO mode
  • Alert Icons

The 150mm Programmable Extraction Fan is a game-changer for indoor growers using hot HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lights. These lights can quickly heat up a grow space, potentially causing stress to plants and reducing yields. However, with this fan, growers can maintain a cooler and more stable environment. By programming the fan to turn on when temperatures rise above a certain threshold, excess heat generated by the HPS lights is efficiently removed from the grow space. This ensures that the temperature remains within the optimal range for plant growth, preventing heat stress and promoting healthy development. Additionally, the fan’s automated operation provides peace of mind, allowing growers to focus on other aspects of their operation while knowing their plants are thriving in a cool and comfortable environment.

The 150mm Programmable Extraction Fan is a valuable asset for indoor growers struggling with excessive humidity in their grow space. When the air becomes too moist, it can lead to fungal diseases and pest infestations, threatening the health of the plants. By programming the fan to turn on when humidity levels rise above a certain threshold, growers can effectively remove excess moisture from the air, maintaining a healthy balance. As the fan extracts stale, humid air, it makes way for fresh, drier air to enter the grow space, preventing the formation of condensation and reducing the risk of disease. With its automated operation, the fan ensures that the grow space remains within the optimal humidity range, promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing yields.